I can add the video to the queue but it won't download

If you haven't already, install the mandatory dependency Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86), the program won't work without it.

Make sure you have a valid download path set, do this by going to the settings and changing the path to a valid one.

Try changing the title of the video to a different one, we might have missed some windows invalid characters.

If the problem persists create a Bug Report where you include the link of the video you tried to download and a screenshot of the developer console (you can open this by pressing ctrl-shift-i).

The video doesnt appear in the queue when the extension is used

Make sure the chrome server port, set by right clicking somewhere in the a chrome tab, and the application port, set in the application settings, are the same number, the default value is 3003

Make sure you don't have another instance of WebDL running

Make sure you don't have another application using the same port as WebDL

If the problem persists create a Bug Report where you include the link of the video you tried to download and a screenshot of the developer console (you can open this by pressing ctrl-shift-i).

The video download speed is very low

If the download speed is a lot lower then your regular internet speed, YouTube may be rate limiting your device because you downloaded alot of videos

If this ins't the case, your computer may be struggling to process your downloaded videos, make sure that you aren't running any computation heavy tasks in the background and downloading many videos at once, we don't reccomend any more then 5

If the problem persists create a Bug Report where you include the link of the video you tried to download and a screenshot of the developer console (you can open this by pressing ctrl-shift-i).

How can I download private or age restricted videos?

First you need to extract the cookies from YouTube, to do this use an extension such as this one.

Once you have the cookies.txt file upload it to WebDL in the settings page

Now you should be able to download private videos!

If you ever want to delete the cookies from WebDL you can do so in the settings page.

My issue isn't on this list

If the problem you have isn't documented in this list checkout our issues.

If it also isn't there, create a Bug Report where you include the link of the video you tried to download and a screenshot of the developer console (you can open this by pressing ctrl-shift-i).